Jus Hustle “Take Flight 2” Mixtape Artwork

Album cover for Jus Hustle's Take Flight 2 free mixtape.

Back cover for Jus Hustle's Take Flight 2 mixtape.

Above is the official mixtape artwork for Take Flight 2 by Jus Hustle released for free on Big Game Entertainment. Front cover shows two space shuttles returning to Earth. The back cover shows Jus Hustle as an astronaut landing on the moon holding a boombox next to a TF2 (Take Flight 2) flag.

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Free Mixtapes Online

Free Mixtapes

With the abundance of free mixtapes, song covers, and underground music readily available all across the internet, the popular music world is a lot more lively than in the past. Musicians usually give supporters the opportunity to hear free of charge mixtapes in between each record launch. Simply speaking, absolutely free music attracts customers to sample your no cost music, and free mixtapes would be the lure to attract supporters to purchase your albums, products, and other audio goods .

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